The funds we receive from donations and through our Friends programme help us to achieve our goal of completing the Winchester Studies series of volumes. They present the archaeological and historical findings of the excavations which took place in the 1960s and 1970s in Winchester. We have published eleven volumes, with six still to be completed. Our most recent volumes published in 2023 and 2022 respectively focus on the pre-Roman and Roman results (WS 3.i) and on the Environmental results (WS 10). It is vital that we continue to raise funds, to ensure that this important series is accessible as widely as possible.
Details of our publications can be found here.

Surveying at Wolvesey
Make a Donation
As a small independent charity, we rely on the support of donors to publish the Winchester Studies series. We have two teams, based in Oxford and Winchester, preparing the books in our series for publication.
Donations can be made to support all aspects of our work, whether that is by contributing to the costs of publication (including fees for editors, illustrators, copy-editors or indexers); assisting with the costs of the digitisation of past and future volumes; helping towards our day-to-day running costs; or employing editorial and administrative assistance.
All donors will receive updates on the progress of the volumes and a personal invitation to any events we hold. We are hugely grateful for the support we receive and wish to thank all donors, who have given in the past or may consider doing so in the future, for their generous support and interest.
To make a donation, please contact
If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim back the tax on your donation. Please ask for a Gift Aid Declaration when giving a donation.
Please contact us using the email address above or the contact form on our website if you would like more information about what we do and how your support can help us, or if you would like to discuss other options for making a donation.
Become a Friend of Winchester Studies (FOWS)
The Friends of Winchester Studies is for everyone who has a keen interest in the history and archaeology of Winchester and would like to support the on-going work of publishing the results of the Winchester excavations.
Winchester is the most thoroughly investigated city in Britain. Its excavations are among the most fully recorded in the series of ‘Winchester Studies’ written and edited under the direction of Professor Martin Biddle, which constitutes an extraordinary history and archaeology of Winchester since its earliest days.
Why join us?
By joining the Friends you will be contributing to the ongoing success of the Winchester Excavations Committee. It is really important that the results of the excavations are published and made accessible for the future. Supporters will also receive:
• Updates about publications and invitations to events including book launches
How to join?
To become a member we ask for a minimum donation of £25.
Please contact for information on how to join.
If you are UK tax payer, we can claim back tax on your donation. Please ask for a Gift Aid Declaration at the address above.

West-end of Winchester Cathedral showing the foundations of the original Norman west front, facing south, 1969.