Winchester Studies Series
The results of our wide-ranging research, including the excavations, are published in the series ‘Winchester Studies’. We have teams based in Winchester and Oxford preparing the remaining volumes. Please see our publications list below.
WS 1 Martin Biddle (ed.), Winchester in the Early Middle Ages
WS 2 Derek Keene, Survey of Medieval Winchester
WS 3.ii Giles Clarke, The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills
WS 4.ii Michael Lapidge, The Cult of St Swithun
WS 4.iii Alexander R. Rumble, Property and Piety in Early Medieval Winchester
WS 7.ii Martin Biddle, Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester
WS 8 Martin Biddle (ed.), The Winchester Mint
WS 9.i Caroline M. Stuckert (ed.), The People of Early Winchester
WS 11 Martin Biddle and Derek Keene (eds.), Winchester: Atlas
In Preparation
WS 4.i Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle and Martin Biddle, The Anglo-Saxon Minsters of Winchester
WS 5 Martin Biddle et al., The Brooks and other Town Sites of Medieval Winchester
WS 6.i Beatrice Clayre and Martin Biddle, Winchester Castle: Fortress, Palace, Garrison, and County Seat
WS 6.ii Martin Biddle et al., Wolvesey Palace
WS 7.i Katherine Barclay, Ceramics from Winchester
WS 9.ii Mark Maltby (ed.), The Animals of Early Winchester
Additional Publications
Martin Biddle et al., King Arthur’s Round Table
Martin Biddle, The Search for Winchester’s Anglo-Saxon Minsters
The Winchester Excavations Committee and the British Historic Towns Atlas, An Historical Map of Winchester From Medieval Times to 1800