Progress made on digitisation programme

The first of our Winchester Studies volumes to be digitised is now available with Oxford based publishers, Archaeopress. You can read WS 3.ii The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills online (free of charge), or purchase a print on demand copy. Both options can be accessed via Archaeopress’ website. The full backlist of Winchester Studies volumes will be available in this way shortly, subject to funding being secured.

This marks a milestone in our long-time goal to digitise our published volumes, and enable the results of our excavations to be more widely accessible. We have been exploring options for digitisation since the early stages of technology development, but the large scale and complex nature of our results, especially of our illustrations (many of which run across long fold-out sheets) were not immediately amenable to digital reproduction.

Our collaboration with Archaeopress has overcome these obstacles, as they have handled all complexities innovatively and with care, ensuring important facets like scale and pagination are maintained throughout.

To find out more about WS 3.ii The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills see our publications page here.


On the 1979 edition of WS 3.ii The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills:

The excavation and report on the Lankhills cemetery is something of a landmark. It is a lesson to Roman archaeologists about what they have been missing through neglect of their cemetery sites, and also a lesson to every-one engaged in cemetery site studies, whatever their period, in how to analyse and present their evidence to maximum advantage. This model publication will be an indispensable work of reference for many years to come. – Dr Sonia Hawkes, Times Literary Supplement (1980)

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